The Data integration Guide : Buy and read

The Data Integration Guide is a synthetic book addressing all Data Integration aspects. This book will walk you through Data Integration concepts and features, its business value, as well as the main Data Integration patternsmechanisms and technical considerations. It will also help you get a better understanding on how to succeed in delivering your Data Integration projects, and sustain the setup during the operations phase.

This book aims to guide you through the Data Integration journey, providing you with a complete toolkit that will save you a lot of time and effort to better scopearchitectdeliver, and maintain Data Integration projects that provide you access to limitless data capabilities and business value.

In the coming years, data Integration will continue to drive high talent demand in the market, with new trends of enhancing its capabilities through integrations with other digital tools and applied artificial intelligence, as well as enabling digital transformation and a wide range of use cases in IoT, Big Data, Predictive and Data Science. Take a head start today with The Data Integration Guide!


This book will help you answer :

  • What are the Data Integration ConceptsPrinciples, and main features?
  • What business use cases can Data Integration address and for what business value?
  • How to setup a new Data Integration Solution ?
  • How to make the right choices for your project, solution and approach, ensuring successful business outcomes ?
  • What are the various Data Integration Patterns ?
  • What are the use cases for ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), ETL (Extract Transform Load), EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), API and Data Virtualization ?
  • What are the Connectors and the Integration Mechanisms : with Web servicesDatabasesFiles and Enterprise Solutions ?
  • How Data Integration can empower and enable Digital Transformation, through multiple examples from several industries to help you project an efficient usage of Data Integration to address IoT (Internet of Things), Big DataData SciencePredictive and Artificial Intelligence use cases ?

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